

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia boasts many riches - but perhaps none as breathtaking as its commercial capital city, Jeddah. It is a centre of diversity as a melting pot of different cultures highlighted by attractive and modern commercial centres. But, it is also one which places a strong focus on local customs and tradition in accordance with Saudi principles.


The capital of the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dammam is the sixth largest city of the country. A major hub of the Saudi oil industry, Dammam is the largest growing city in the entire Arab region.


Madinah - otherwise known as Medina is another one of Saudi Arabia's beautiful desert cities - and is second only to Makkah in religious significance for the Islamic religion. The city has much to offer travelers - from religious monuments to incredible cultural traditions that really do set the city apart from the rest.


Mecca, also spelled Makkah, is a city in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia. 70 km (43 mi) inland from Jeddah, in a narrow valley 277 m (909 ft) above sea level, 340 kilometres (210 mi) south of Medina, its population in 2012 was 2 million, although visitors more than triple this number every year during the Ḥajj ("Pilgrimage"), held in the twelfth Muslim lunar month of Dhūl-Ḥijjah.

